Each connected inbox (X/Twitter account) will have different lists.

Viewing Your Lists

To view your lists, go to the Lists tab. Here, you’ll find an overview of all lists associated with the current inbox.

If you have multiple lists, you can quickly search for one by its name or tag.

Viewing Leads In Lists

To see leads within a list, simply click on the list to open it.

To find specific leads within a list, you can simply type the lead’s X/Twitter name into the search bar.

You can also leverage the filter function to narrow down leads even further. If you select 2 different criteria to filter, it will only show leads that match both of these criteria.

Here’s what each filter means:

Managing Lists

Looking to take your lead organization to the next level? You can use auto-segmentation to automatically add leads to lists based on pre-defined criteria.

To make changes to a list, simply click on the list to open it. Then, use the gear icon beside the search bar to update list names and tags.

To delete the list, click on the gear icon, then select “Delete List” and follow the instructions.