Manage your team members and their roles within one tab.

To get started, open the Settings tab, and select “Members” from the left sidebar. Here, you can view all members who are part of your workspace, including pending invitations.

Let’s go over the basics:

Inviting Team Members

Owners can invite any user, while Admins can only invite Agents. Check out the Team Roles guide for more details.

To invite a new member, click “Invite Member”. Then enter their Inboundly username and choose a specified role from the options provided.

Then, confirm the invitation, and they’ll be able to accept it upon logging into Inboundly.

Invited team members do not need to create a workspace or sign up for a free trial. Simply create an account, verify your email, and then accept the invitation when prompted - you can find more info here.

Changing Roles

Owners can promote or demote anyone, while Admins can only promote Agents. Agents do not have permission to change other members’ roles.

To change a member’s role, click the three dots beside their name, then select promote or demote.

Kicking Members

Owners can kick any member, while Admins can only kick Agents. Agents do not have permission to kick other members.

If you need to remove a member from the workspace, click the three dots beside their name, then select “Kick Member.” Same rules apply as when changing roles.

Revoking Invitations

Owners can revoke any pending invitations, while Admins can only revoke invitations for Agents.

If you’ve sent an invitation that needs to be revoked, go to the “Invites” tab and click “Cancel Invitation”.